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Endomines Provides Update on Exploration at Pampalo Gold Mine Deeps Project

Endomines is pleased to report further results from the ongoing exploration campaign at Pampalo Gold Mine Deeps exploration project and other Karelian Gold Line exploration targets.

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In total 32 new underground drill holes (2,084 m) have been drilled to the Pampalo Deep extension of new S2-lens between September 1stand October 21st. Assay results from 31 underground drill holes have been received and 21 of these drill holes have returned high grade (grade x length > 8 gram metres) intersections.

The results from the new S2-lens include among others holes T-1006 [email protected] g/t gold from 48.0 m (including [email protected] g/t gold from 53.0 m), T-1023 with [email protected] g/t gold from 16.0 m, T‑993 [email protected] g/t gold from 65.0 m, T-997 [email protected] g/t gold from 84.0 m, T-1003 [email protected] g/t gold from 55.0 m (including [email protected] g/t gold from 57.0 m), T-1004 [email protected] g/t gold from 42.0 m and [email protected] g/t gold from 56.0 m, T-1007 [email protected] g/t gold from 50.0 m, T-1011 [email protected] g/t gold from 54.8 m. All intersections are reported as down hole length.

The results confirm that the recently discovered and reported high grade S2-lens has been further verified with several additional drill core intersections.

“We are very thrilled about the results received so far from our Pampalo Deep extension underground exploration project. The grade of the intersections has improved quite dramatically and new discoveries are open down dip. Also the recent intersection in the previously unexplored area south of Pampalo South supports company expectations of the unknown potential close to Pampalo main lodes”, comments Markus Ekberg, CEO of Endomines.

All drill core results received from Pampalo Deep extension exploration project by 21stOctober are published in the attached complete report as well as on the Company´s website at R T_2015_OCT27_2015.pdf

The company has engaged SRK Consulting (Finland) Oy to prepare an independent resource estimate for the Pampalo Deep extension area. The work is expected to be completed before the end of this year and results will be used for production planning 2016. The company intends to convert resources to reserve in house.

New assay results have been received from the regional drilling campaigns along the Karelian Gold line. Pampalo East, Pampalo NorthWest, Hosko and Korvilansuo have returned assay results from total of 17 drill cores. Rest of the assay results are pending.

The Base-of-till sampling program has been completed with 1,704 samples collected. About 90 % of the samples have been assayed and the rest are pending. Interpretation of the preliminary results is in progress.

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