VR Resources Ltd. reported that drilling has begun at its Silverback copper-gold property in northwestern Ontario.
Plan map (upper) and north-south section (lower) of the recent 3D array DCIP survey at Silverback, with locations for drill holes completed in the spring of 2024, and for those planned and now underway in 2025. The plan map shows IP isoshells at 12.5 mV/V (orange) and 15 mV/V (red) on a basemap with inferred shear-zones and outline of the mafic dykes and intrusions with copper-nickel sulfides, which span the entire property. The central and largest IP anomaly correlates with the strongest shear-fabrics observed in outcrop, and magnetic destruction evident in the gap in magnetic contours on the plan map and potentially the result of hydrothermal alteration. Image Credit: VR Resources Ltd.
The first hole, SB25-003, is located at the southern end of the highest priority Central Zone (CZ) IP chargeability anomaly seen on the plan map.
Pad construction activities at SB25-003 and SB25-004, as shown in Figure 1, have uncovered evidence of shearing, hydrothermal alteration, and sulfides—marking the first such findings in this glacially covered area. Additionally, a porphyry intrusion and disseminated sulfides within carbonate-altered gabbro wall rock have been observed at the planned SB25-004 pad site, located at the northern end of the CZ anomaly, east of the primary copper-gold showing.
This phase of drilling at Silverback will target two key mineralization types. The first is shear zone-hosted copper-gold-silver mineralization along north-northeast trending structures identified in magnetic data, a common setting for gold in the Marmion Terrane. The second is intrusion-related mineralization, initially observed in a weakly sheared, gold-bearing porphyry intrusion intersected in Hole 2, completed earlier in 2024 (see Figure 1 for location).
We are excited to have the drill back at Silverback to test chargeability anomalies in our new 3D DCIP data received in December of last year. Most important is the CZ anomaly in the center of the project. It is 1,200 m long by 300 m wide and is coincident with mapped structures and high-grade copper, gold, and silver in sheared rocks exposed on the surface. The first few drill holes at CZ are planned as a widely spaced fence to target areas along the 1.2 km long anomaly where there is a strong near-surface expression of the IP chargeability and associated with local DIGHEM conductors.
Justin Daley, Chief Executive Officer, VR Resources Ltd.
“The CZ anomaly is both large, and robust; it integrates with surface showings of polymetallic copper-gold mineralization, structural mapping of shearing, and magnetic, DIGEHEM conductivity and IP resistivity geophysical data. We intend to adjust our planned drilling based on what we see and learn in each hole, and look forward to providing further updates as our drilling progresses,” Daley added.
Central Zone (CZ) Target
The CZ is the largest anomaly identified in the DCIP survey conducted last fall at Silverback. Spanning approximately 1200 meters in length and 300 meters in width, it sits at the center of the project area (Figure 1). The CZ follows a north-northeast trending structural break clearly visible in high-resolution magnetic data (Figure 1). This structure, along with its splays, is linked to outcrops of sheared gabbro containing high-grade copper-gold mineralization, as well as occurrences of molybdenite along fractures.
The east-west trending mafic body within the CZ exhibits a notably lower magnetic response across the IP anomaly. This may be due to demagnetization caused by hydrothermal alteration along the Central Zone structure.
Beyond the 1200-meter-long IP anomaly, the CZ structure extends northward, as indicated by near-surface DIGHEM conductivity anomalies. These anomalies may result from clay alteration related to mineralization, similar to what was observed in Hole 2, completed last spring.
About the Silverback Project
The project comprises 71 mineral claims in a single contiguous block, covering 4442 hectares. It is situated on Federal Crown Land, with mineral rights overseen by the Ontario Ministry of Mines. The claims are subject to a 2 % net smelter royalty, though no annual payments are required.
However, to keep the mineral claims in good standing, the Ministry mandates specific annual exploration expenditures and the submission of mineral assessment reports. The project area also falls within the traditional territories of the Lac de Mille Lac First Nation.