Perseus Mining Limited (ASX / TSX: PRU) has provided a drilling update on the Company's gold projects in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa.
Perseus is continuing active and systematic infill and exploration drill programs on its Central Ashanti Gold Project ("CAGP") in Ghana and the Tengrela Gold Project in Côte d'Ivoire, to test a number of targets and to facilitate several resource and reserve upgrades during the next 12 months.
- Exceptional infill and extensional drill intercepts at Esuajah South deposit, Central Ashanti Gold Project (CAGP), Ghana, included:
- Infill resource drilling results from the Fetish deposit, CAGP in Ghana, included:
- Significant intercepts from exploration drilling at CAGP, Ghana, included:
- Continued strong infill drill results from Sissingue, part of the Tengrela Gold Project in Côte d'Ivoire, included:
Perseus Managing Director, Mark Calderwood's said:
"The latest results continue the trend of significant mineralised widths at the CAGP and will be the final ones included in the updated resource and reserve estimates for the Esuajah South and the Abnabna-Fobinso deposits in Ghana. The intercepts from Sissingue, are also excellent."
"The Company has passed the 250,000m of drilling targeted for 2010 and has increased the number of priority drill targets."
Esuajah South, Central Ashanti Gold Project, Ghana
The current phase of drilling at Esuajah South has been completed and resource modelling will be undertaken as a precursor to the commencement of pit design work and reserve estimation in December. The drill results highlight the potential for a significant increase to the 2009 Indicated mineral resource estimate of 6.9Mt at 1.7g/t Au containing 377,000 ounces of gold.
The Esuajah South granite body gradually increases in average width from less than 30m at surface to more than 80m from 400m depth. This wide, higher grade, granite has excellent potential for combined open pit and bulk underground mining.
Abnabna-Fobinso, Central Ashanti Gold Project, Ghana
Deep drilling is currently testing downward extensions to known gold mineralised shoots. Resource modelling has been completed based on drilling to the end of September and pit design work is currently underway with the aim of releasing an updated reserve estimate.
Exploration Drilling, Central Ashanti Gold Project, Ghana
A number of anomalous to significant gold intercepts were recorded outside resource areas, including:
Chirawewa - Hole CHDD006 intercepted new zones of mineralisation west of the main Chirawewa deposit. Significant gold intercepts in the hole included 31m at 3.0g/t Au from 105m, 10m at 2.0g/t Au from 142m and 4m at 9.5g/t Au from 159m. The same hole also intercepted 1m at 30.8g/t Au from 288m within the main Chirawewa zone.
Bokitsi SE - The Bokitsi South area continues to produce significant drill intercepts, including BKRC24 - 8m at 11.8g/t Au from 68m, BKRDD007 - 12m at 5.4g/t Au from 84m Au and 12m at 2.7g/t Au from120m, and BKRDD009 - 12m at 5.0g/t Au from 124m.
Sissingue, Tengrela Gold Project, Côte d'Ivoire
Drilling has slowed during October and November as a function of rig availability and a break for the presidential election process. Drill results for the period, however, continue to underpin the quality of the project, with intercepts such as 65.8m at 4.0g/t, 20m at 8.5g/t, 22m at 5.1g/t, 7m at 13.1g/t and 9m at 9.8g/t Au.