NanoSteel Company, an advanced nano-structured steel material designs company, has developed innovative and proprietary environmentally-friendly steel alloys based on nanotechnology. These steel alloys improve the value of steel to a great extent in many industrial applications. The NanoSteel’s Super Hard Steel (SHS) alloys are nanoscale microstructures that can be used as metallic coatings in various industries such as mining, oil & gas, power generation, cement, and concrete. The SHS alloys are applied using thermal spray and weld overlay processes to industrial components, thereby enhancing the service life in environments of wear and corrosion and preventing expensive replacements/alternatives and environmentally harmful chrome plating.
Problem - Corrosion, Erosion, Wear and Damage from Pitting
Spray drying absorption (SDA) is an emissions control process that is used at fossil fuel power plants for removing sulfur dioxide from flue gas so as to reduce material loss inside SDA chambers.
Solution - NanoSteel Thermal Spray Coating for SDA Chambers
A coal fired power plant in Arizona used the NanoSteel thermal spray coating solution for its SDA chambers to minimize material loss due to severe corrosion and pitting.
Figure 1. SDA chamber walls are exposed to high heat and moisture during service.
Figure 2. Example of corrosion and pitting damage on SDA chamber wall ID.
Figure 3. Nanosteel coating resists corrosion and pitting damage.
Benefits of using NanoSteel Thermal Spray Coating
The NanoSteel coating solution provides the following benefits:
- Improved Performance
- Resistance to severe corrosion and pitting so as to reduce material loss
- Extending service life of the SDA chamber wall
About Nanosteel
The NanoSteel Company is an advanced materials company which has created a unique and proprietary portfolio of nanotechnology based and environmentally friendly steel alloys that greatly increase the value of steel in most of today’s industrial applications.
Product success has been through the development of Super Hard Steel® (SHS) alloys which feature nanoscale microstructures. SHS alloys are for use as metallic coatings within power generation, mining, cement, concrete and oil & gas industries.
This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Nanosteel.
For more information on this source, please visit Nanosteel.