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Riverside Announces Results of Phase 1 Exploration Program at Cecilia Project

Riverside Resources Inc., is pleased to report initial results from the Company's first-phase exploration program at the Cecilia Project located in northeastern Sonora, Mexico.

Riverside's exploration team is targeting epithermal gold-silver mineralization hosted by a felsic flow-dome complex, which is similar in age and composition to volcanic structures such as the large Pitarrilla and San Julian silver deposits found in the State of Durango.

The sampling done to date has been concentrated at the North Breccia and Central zones, the two highest priority gold targets presently known on the property (see Figure 1 below). Thirty-three (33) of the 91 samples collected at Cecilia (approximately 36% of the total) yielded gold assays greater than 0.5 g/t gold (Au), with five samples assaying greater than 3 g/t Au. The three best rock-chip assays were 113.7 g/t Au with 288 g/t silver (Ag), 58 g/t Au with 207 g/t Ag and 8.42 g/t Au with 87.8 g/t Ag.

The sampling has also shown that silver mineralization is more strongly developed in the altered rocks than was reported by previous operators. Nineteen (19) of the 91 samples have silver contents greater than 100 g/t Ag, six of these samples yielding assays that were greater than 200 g/t Ag and the maximum silver assay was 310 g/t Ag. The silver-to-gold ratio of the epithermal mineralization appears to increase as mineralized structures are sampled at progressively lower elevations, which is characteristic of some of the major epithermal Ag-Au dome complexes of Mexico.

Riverside's President and CEO, John-Mark Staude, stated: "We are pleased with the consistency and exploration values exceeding previous sampling in these areas on the Cecilia Project. The high-grade gold and silver assays at the North Breccia and Central zones of Cerra Magallanes validates our precious metal flow-dome model and brings us a step closer to a potential discovery. We are in the field continuing exploration at Cecilia and anticipate additional results in the near future as we strive to develop a mineral discovery for our shareholders."

To view Figure 1: Cecilia with Highlighted Gold Target Areas and Geochemical Results, please visit the following link:

As can be seen in the district summary map (Figure 1), the Riverside rock-chip samples confirm the existence of gold mineralization in hydrothermally brecciated felsic volcanic rocks of the Cerro Magallanes flow-dome complex.

Additional Details:

One key objective of the ongoing rock-chip sampling program is to confirm the existence of zones of gold-bearing hydrothermal breccias and quartz veinlet stockworks that were previously identified by other exploration groups (refer to Cecilia Project/Project History on the Company's website). In addition, prospecting and rock sampling is being done in adjacent areas not previously sampled. This work is intended to expand beyond the known extents of gold mineralization and to discover new zones, with the ultimate goal of defining high-potential drill targets.

For more information on the Project, please visit the Cecilia Project page on the Company's website:

Qualified Person & QA/QC:

The scientific and technical data contained in this news release pertaining to the Cecilia Project was reviewed and approved by Locke Goldsmith, P.Geo, P. Eng, a non-independent qualified person to Riverside Resources, who is responsible for ensuring that the geologic information provided in this news release is accurate and who acts as a "qualified person" under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

The rock samples reported consisted of composites of outcrop fragments hammer-chipped across rock faces showing evidence of hydrothermal alteration. Individual sample lengths ranged from 1.1 to 3.1 metres, with 2.0 m being the most common. The samples were sent to the analytical laboratories of Bureau Veritas in Hermosillo and Vancouver where they were fire assayed for gold and analyzed for 45 major and minor elements using an ICP-MS methodology. For quality control purposes, three standard samples and one non-mineralized blank sample were included with the batch of 91 field samples.

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