A range of RCT’s solutions from across four of its five sub-brands were used to fit out two Land Cruiser Troop Carriers, transforming it into a mobile Automation Centre bound for Metals X’s Nifty Mine site recently.

Retrofitting a troop carrier isn’t a job out of the ordinary for RCT however, this particular request was extensive and made possible through client and RCT Customer Service collaboration.
The retrofit consisted of the installation of RCT’s ControlMaster® Teleremote platform, Muirhead® Engine Protection systems, and a AusProTec™ Maxi Vision Camera for reverse vision.
In addition to RCT’s products, its technicians installed additional features as per requested by the client. This included stand-alone air conditioning, Ice Pak and rear personnel carrier to support the condenser, a custom bull bar, UHF radios and UHF.
The team also removed the front passenger chair and supplied and installed an alloy floor plate to allow the operator easy and safe access in and out of the vehicle. The rear windows were also removed and sheet metal installed to increase durability and safety of the vehicle. Finally, bulkhead was also installed to significantly increase connection points.
The extensive modifications on the troop carriers were significantly different to any other light vehicle RCT had completed previously.
“It was a custom-driven solution as requested by the client and made possible by RCT’s Customer service team,” said RCT’s Account Manager, Phill Dean.