Search Minerals Inc. offered an update on the 2022 exploration programs in Labrador, Canada.

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Deep Fox
Following the mobilization of two diamond drilling rigs to St. Lewis, Labrador, the 2022 Deep Fox Exploration Program began in early June. The drill program has two primary goals.
Firstly, to further define and delineate the Deep Fox mineral resource to update the mineral resource estimate suitable for a feasibility study. Secondly, to obtain the required geotechnical and hydrogeological data to assist a streamlined mine planning and design process.
The first month of drilling was helicopter-supported, allowing access to previously inaccessible places due to the steep and rocky terrain. The geotechnical and hydrogeological drill program used one of the drill rigs. The two track-mounted drills will be used to finish the remainder of the drill program.
The Deep Fox 2022 program is almost 60% complete, with 46 drill holes advanced. The Deep Fox drilling program will continue to focus on ensuring that the region within the proposed open pit has been sufficiently drilled and that the mineral resource is aligned with the next level of technical reporting.
The drill program is expected to be completed by early November.
We have had a very busy exploration season so far this year. In addition to managing the exploration program, we expanded our exploration team and expanded our facilities and infrastructure in St. Lewis, Labrador. Search renovated its modern office and core shed facilities and built an additional storage shed to manage the increased drill core.
Greg Andrews, President/CEO, Search Minerals Inc.
“We also purchased property in St. Lewis for our 2—six-person trailers which are being utilized for our increased need for local accommodations. We continue to work toward a feasibility study for the end of 2023, and the Deep Fox drill program should provide a measured resource category as well as expanded indicated and inferred resource for an updated mineral resource calculation expected in 2023,” Andrews added.
The following is a summary of the two independent drilling initiatives:
Mineral Resource Delineation Drilling
- To date, 46 resource delineation drill holes have been completed (5,229 m).
- All resource delineation drill holes have intersected mineralization.
- A total of 3,437 lithogeochemical samples have been sent for assay, and their results are pending.
- The drill program is expected to be finished by early November.
Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Drilling
- The geotechnical drilling program has been completed.
- Around 13 geotechnical drill holes were completed (3,362 m).
- Installation of two Vibrating Wire Piezometers (VWP).
- Packer tests have been carried out in six of the geotechnical drill holes.
- Samples are gathered for laboratory geophysical testing, with results pending.
- 11 of the 13 drill holes have intersected mineralization and will contribute to the mineral resource.
- Assay samples are gathered from the mineralized zones.
Fox Meadow
The exploration team will conduct a 200 m channel sampling program to expand the mineralized zone to the southeast. The company will consider a reduced drill program based on available staff and resources.
Fox Valley
In the Fox Valley area, exploration operations have constructed an access trail to the mineralized area to undertake a preliminary assessment of surface mineralization. Investigation in this area will consist of test pitting and channel cutting, and it is expected to be finished by the end of November.
Red Wine Complex
The exploration team is preparing a two-week helicopter-supported exploration campaign in central Labrador’s Red Wine area. Prospecting, mapping, channel cutting, and precise drone imagery will be used to explore the Two Tom Lake, Mann #1, Narnia Hill, and Merlot possibilities. This preliminary effort will prepare these REE mineralized zones for larger-scale exploration in 2023–2024.