Reviewed by Lexie CornerJan 22 2025
First Helium Inc. announced the commencement of drilling at its proven undeveloped (PUD) 7-30 oil location at the Worsley Property in Northern Alberta. If there are no unforeseen delays, the drilling contractor's rig is scheduled to move directly to the 7-15 location upon completion of the 7-30 vertical well, with drilling at 7-15 expected to begin in early February. The company will provide regular updates on field operations.
Worsley Project Inventory. Image Credit: First Helium
We are excited to be drilling again - starting with our 7-30 light oil development well which spudded this past weekend. We will follow up by drilling our high-impact Leduc anomaly, 7-15, which on seismic is approximately 5X the areal extent of our successful 1-30 light oil pool discovery. Favorable results from these two wells will further de-risk our Leduc Play, where we have identified 10 additional primary locations on proprietary 3D seismic, and potential for further southeast extension across our 100 % owned lands.
Ed Bereznicki, President and Chief Executive Officer, First Helium Inc.
“With success, the combined oil potential from these two operations would provide immediate cash flow and meaningful near-term value for our shareholders,” added Mr. Bereznicki.
Drilling is now possible at the 7-15 vertical well location, approximately 6 km from the 7-30 site. This proximity will enable efficient rig transfer and minimize mobilization costs.
Preparations are underway to complete, equip, and tie in both wells ahead of the spring breakup in Alberta, which typically occurs between mid- to late-March and May, during which provincial highway restrictions limit heavy equipment movement. These activities are contingent on the drilling results.