The Thermo Scientific™ Particle Size Analyzer PSM-500 helps optimize energy efficiency while enhancing mineral recovery and quality in a cement, coal or mineral plant. The PSM-500 utilizes an ultra-sonic attenuation technique and supplies a minute-by-minute analysis of particle size distribution, which is used in grind control optimization to ensure that over or under grinding does not occur.
The rugged on-line particle size analyzer pulls its own continuous sample using a vacuum educator. To assist with the ultrasonic measurement, the sample is de-aerated in the sample conditioner before it passes between diametrically opposed ultrasonic sensors and is returned to the process.
The Thermo Scientific™ Particle Size Analyzer PSM-500 provides real time, in-stream particle analysis of up to three streams, measuring up to nine particle size fractions simultaneously.
- Robust with Ingress Protection Rating IP65.
- Rugged internals, NEMA approved 4X corrosion resistant.
- Higher bandwidth and field replaceable transducers.
- No dilution required.
- Improved alarms, status display and reports.
- No UPS needed.
- Full colour intuitive local touch-panel user interface.
- No pumping.
- Size range between 1 to 1000 microns (can be optimized according to application).
- Ultrasonic hardware.
- Measurement update time, typically 10 sec.
- Upgradable from PSM-400MPX.

Thermo Fisher Scientific – Solutions for Industrial and Safety Applications

Thermo Fisher Scientific – Solutions for Industrial and Safety Applications